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But God

But God!

I used to always hear this in church growing up! It was something many would say like, “God is good all the time and all the time…” — you know the rest of that one! But I when I was young, I’d hear Pastors and Saints alike say, “But God,” and I’d think, “But God, what???” Just two words!?

Your Testimony

Now that I’ve watched and experienced who God is for myself, I get it. The end of that sentence is different for each of us at the moment we say it, when you’re thinking about what He’s done for you. “But God” is a testimony!

When you look at the battles raging around you and know you will be victorious because of Him, “But God” becomes a proclamation!

When you are weak but stand in His strength, “But God” is a cry for Him!

When the enemy is bearing down on you, “But God” is your warning to the enemy to remember just whose you are!

Your Celebration

Then there are those other times “BUT GOD” conveys what your mouth can’t articulate! Those times when you feel overwhelmed with His love, washed over by His mercy and comforted by His grace. In those moments, “But God” is a celebration of who and ALL He is to you!

So what would I now tell my younger self about “But God?” Hmm. I’d simply say, “But God” is not really the beginning of a sentence, but an end. Those two words say it all because, if God is in it, nothing that came before or after that phrase really matters!

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