Chosen | Fearless | Enough

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I am so thankful God has a sense of humor. I typically see that side of Him in those everyday occurrences that make me laugh; the ones when you absolutely know “that was God.” But I also love when God reveals that part of His character in some of life’s big moments. Regardless, I know that God is in it and I am convinced there are days He’s seated in the heavens laughing right along with us. I am convinced that in ALL that our Father is, He also has a sense of humor. 

So, one day, they cornered him and asked “What will it take?” He said “God would need to send us the exact breed we want. A puppy who is well-behaved, already trained and free.” See, having been asked for some two years the Father had considered the possibility of a puppy. He’d looked at breeds and even the price of a puppy, only to keep running into all the reasons why a puppy just wasn’t in the works for his daughters.

Then, one evening just before her bedtime prayer, the youngest daughter again asked what it would take for them to finally get a puppy. The Father gave a full list of details, a list so impossible he knew it would never happen. Plus, he was confident he would not have a change of heart. When the girls’ Mom & Dad told me this, I laughed and said “Be careful what you pray for.” Now, before the theologians jump all over this, I know that phrase is not found anywhere in the Bible and I know we can pray about anything. That’s a phrase folks use when that thing you really didn’t know you needed, wanted or imagined happens and you look up through your laughter and say “God, I absolutely know that was you.” For me at least, it’s those times that always make me laugh and I can imagine God laughing right along with me.

About two weeks ago my phone chimes letting me know I have a text. As I look down at my phone I see a text from the girls’ father. When I open it up, I see the photo to the left. Meet Coco! She is a beautiful, pure-bred Boxer puppy, she is well mannered, fully trained, a joy to be around and, yup — you guessed it — she was free! Someone at their mothers’ job just happened to mention on a Zoom call that they had one last puppy they decided to give away from a littler. They had planned to keep her so they had trained her and everything, but they were moving to a smaller place and just couldn’t juggle 3 dogs. They were looking for the right home for her. So Mom and a bunch of other folks contacted them after the call, but Coco’s owner chose this family. When asked why, the owner said, “I don’t know, it’s something about you guys, it’s like a God thing!”

So, off they went to check out this puppy for their family. As you can guess, the first person Coco ran to was the dad and, as you can imagine, that sealed the deal. Coco came home with them that night! Not only that, but after only two days with this family, Coco’s new person became none other than the father. He was the one she’d latched onto! Where he goes, she follows. She lays on him, cries for him, and he has become her human! 

Has anything ever happened to you where you looked up through your laughter and said, “God, I know that was you!” Well today I’m not saying anything deep or heavy, I’m simply saying that I believe God’s fingerprint can be found in the big things and the small. That He can bless us through our tears and our laughter. That God is in every moment with us and yes, he even laughs along with us! So the next time you see that thing you prayed or asked for but never imagined would happen, that thing that makes you simply smile or laugh uncontrollably when it happens, look up and thank God, knowing He is right there with you enjoying that Coco moment!

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