Chosen | Fearless | Enough

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This is a Rocky Balboa Kind of Battle

Can you hear the Rocky theme song playing in your head?

In this corner: our thoughts of fear, insecurity, anxiety, and doubt.

In this corner: God’s word, His Love, His promises, His grace, His mercy!

Can you hear the song getting louder now?

We have to remember that there is always a battle going on for us. Sometimes we can see it and feel it, and other times we can’t — but it’s important to know that the enemy is always trying to defeat us. One of the places the enemy likes to spend the most time is in our minds. He likes to whisper phrases that start with

“Remember when you failed?” or
“Remember when you got hurt?”
“You’re not enough.”
“Why do you think good things will ever happen for you?”

And, one of his favorites, the “What if”s: those bad things that haven’t even happened but you allow your brain to imagine and examine and explore.

Deep down we know that God will be victorious and that nothing is bigger than our God, but there still may be times when we just can’t get out of our heads and we feel like our faith is on the ropes! So today I want to share three things that have gotten me through those times:

1) Remember: the enemy is a liar!

Anything he says to you is absolutely not true! Don’t allow him to camp out in your head. When negative thoughts flow in, I turn up my faith! How? I listen to my gospel and Christian music and get my worship on. I listen to or watch one of my favorite pastors! I get back in the word, whether it be reading scripture, a devotional, or doing a small group study. I quiet the liar and quiet myself by filling up on God’s word! Which leads us to number two.

2) “Be still and know that I am God.”

For me, Psalm 46:10 means letting go of the things I cannot control and trusting God. For me, “Be still” means I need to stop, breathe and seek! I have to physically sit down in a quiet place and ask God to silence those negative thoughts, those thoughts that are not in line with His word or His promises for my life. I ask God to take those thoughts captive. Only God can calm your mind and clear away the doubt, the stress, the worry. Ask God to give you peace.

3) Pivot!

This is the time to become intentional about changing your focus. Focus on all the blessings you have now. Focus on all the amazing things God has done for you and in your life up ‘til now. Then I focus on doing things for others (like this blog).

If you were a spectator in the front row, you’d think there was no way that I would be able to win this fight. You’d think,

There’s no way Sheila is going to win the belt. She’s been knocked down and the referee has started the count. 1…2…3…wait, she’s moving, she’s not knocked out -

(because the God I serve never fails and He won’t start with me)

...4…5... wait, she’s up on her knees -

(because I know the power of prayer)

...6...I don’t know how, but she’s pulling herself up, using the ropes -

(because I know if I seek God and ask Him for help, He’s right there within reach. He has never left or forsaken me)

...7...8 she’s leaning on the ropes, but she’s standing -

(because I know if I lean into God He will give me the strength I need to win)

...9... it’s a miracle! She’s standing again, and look at that footwork! She’s dancing around the ring -

(because I know there is power in His name, power in my praise and power in my position as His daughter!)

This battle is NOT looks like with God she will...dare I say it…win this fight!!!

My prayer for you today:

I decree and declare that you will not be controlled by your circumstances, your mind will be renewed, your emotions will remain intact, your thoughts will be in alignment with the promises God has for your life. You will CONQUER EVERYTHING set before you today, this month, this year! NO weapon formed against you shall prosper! In Jesus’ Mighty and Powerful Name, Amen!

Blessings & Love

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