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Midweek Praise Party #WorshipWednesday

Midweek Praise Party

You know what time it is! It’s time for our Wednesday Praise Party! Enjoy! 

My God is good like that! We’ve got to believe HIS word over man’s! Listen, if you’re around folks who are telling you what God can’t do, well it’s time to relegate them to balcony seating! You need folks who speak God’s truth, His Love!

Folks that speak life, not doom and gloom. Folks who remind you who God is and who you are in Him!

See, the world is already trying to tell you who God isn’t; you don’t need friends in the front row reminding you of what the critics say! Save the orchestra seats for those who remind you how good God is!

*This song is from Sheila’s Victorious Playlist on Spotify. Make sure you check out all of Sheila’s playlists!

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