The Journey Toward this Blog

Sheila Harris-Adams, creator of Chosen | Fearless | Enough and author of forthcoming book

Sheila Harris-Adams, creator of Chosen | Fearless | Enough and author of forthcoming book


The journey to this blog began way back when we all would sit waiting for our phone lines to dial in to the internet and everyone’s email address ended with

That’s when God began to stir in me the concept of writing a book. My initial answer was but. Can you imagine God asking you to do something and you respond with but? 


But God I'm not a... But God I don't know how to... But God I'm unqualified to... .png

Am I the only one who has ever tried to talk God out of something He asked?
The idea of me telling the One who created me, designed me, formed me, placed me in my mother’s womb,
formed the cells that make me me, placed every hair on my head —
you know, the one who created me for His glory —
the idea of questioning His calling makes no sense.

So why do we do that? For me it was fear.

  • Fear I wouldn’t be good at it.

  • After all, I didn’t go to school for it and I wasn’t a writer.

  • Fear I hadn’t lived a life yet worthy of that calling.

  • Fear I’d be judged by people, and

  • fear I’d disappoint God.

Does any of this sound familiar to you? We often let fear talk us out of our assignment, our calling and even our blessings.
So what do we do? What do YOU do when God is calling and you feel paralyzed by fear?
Well, first start with His word! Go to the word to see who you are in Christ and more importantly, who He is in you!
Then, second, if you are struggling to step out in faith, try stepping out in obedience.

If you do, you may find along the way that God has lovingly wrapped blessings in our obedience!
His blessings are wrapped in our willingness to step outside of the comfortable and into the unknown when led by our Father!
So I began to dig into His word and just opened myself up to Him. I released the need to control, and gave it to God.

God, if you put it in me then I’m trusting you will reveal it through me. And as He always does, God responded!
All these years later I have journal upon journal of scriptures, stories, quotes, and thoughts.
I moved aside. I stopped trying to do it based on my own capabilities. I had to empty myself and allow God to pour in.
Then I had to wait for Him to show me when the time was right to pour out the oil He places in this broken-but-beautiful vessel He calls Sheila.

Trusting His timing, I knew that when the time was right, God would use what He placed in me (and YOU) for His glory.
So here we are, God said it’s time. I pray and step out of the boat! Does the storm still rage around me?
Yes it does, but I’m determined to keep my eyes on Him!

My prayer is that this blog will be all that God wants it to be.
That my Heavenly Father sees the words and says “Well done, daughter!”
That it will inspire, touch, encourage, convict, or lead just one woman to God.
That it will help you, my precious Sister, to know that you are


So, Sisters, when God opens your eyes tomorrow morning, join me in this prayer:

Lord, in all things let me be in Your will, do things Your way, and be about Your work!
Use me, Lord, for Your glory! I open my heart to you today!
I accept you as my Lord and Savior and I give my heart to you today, Lord.
Lord, open my eyes so I can begin to see myself as you see me.
Open my ears so that I can begin to hear your voice in my everyday.
Lord, please give me water-walking confidence that as long as I abide in you,
I can do whatever You have called me to do!
Help me, Lord, to choose faith over fear! Use me for your glory starting today, Lord!
Lord, I just can’t wait to see what you have planned and yes, God, I’m ready for the next assignment!
Your will, Your way, Your work!!!
in Jesus’ name!