I Don't Want This Cup

I don't want this cup.

I would choose something more comfortable and less awkward. I would choose something less complicated, less painful - something I could control.

It wouldn't be this.

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Guest Contributor
Progress Report

James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

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Your TruthGuest Contributor
Midweek Praise Party #WorshipWednesday

There is so much power in our praise! Praise is a time of setting our hearts right! It serves to remind us of not just who God is, but often reminds us of who He’s been in our lives! The blessings, the victories and the love! Praise reminds us of who we are if accept Him as our Lord and Savior and we welcome Him into our hearts! Praise will not only confuse the enemy, it will activate your faith and cause a shift in the atmosphere!

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This week’s guest post is shared from John Roedel via Facebook. “Remaining delicate, it doesn’t make you weak. It makes you willing to get shattered every now and again just so you can transform into whatever you need to become next.”

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Dear Haters

You know in a perfect world we would all be cheering for each other especially, your Sisters…Instead I remember my Mom telling me matter-of-factly, “Not everyone is supposed to like you and you’ve got to be okay with that.”

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Mom's Apple Pie

Sometimes life is difficult and the pain is deep. Most of us would agree together that we want to become more like Jesus. However, what we may fail to realize (or perhaps may want to deny) is that on this journey we will have trials and suffering.

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He Calls Me

Today I’ve got an exercise for you. Are you ready? See, one day soon God will be trying to remind you who you are TO Him. Who you are THROUGH Him. One day soon He will be trying to call you and for some reason, you won’t be able to hear Him. The words, the seeds you plant today will be there when you need them.

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