Her Blessing (Shared Post)

This week’s guest post is shared from

Paige Pippin

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“Her blessing makes me feel a bit sour, if I’m being honest.

I wish it didn’t, and I need Christ’s transformation in this.

Sometimes, we need to give ourselves a talking to about the tiny, quiet bitter feelings that accidentally become bitter walls.

Remind yourself to trust our God knows best for every one of us.

Remind yourself that God has good for you, even as you wait on that good.

Remind yourself that you can choose to be happy for someone else because we know God has a plan for us that is better than our plan.

There is room in His Kingdom for her and for me. We serve the most creative Being who will ever be. He can use similarly situated people with like callings in incredibly unique ways.

So when we feel that twinge of heartburn, we give it no legs; we immediately pray good things over the one receiving the thing we want.

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There’s a wholeness in taking these weird feelings to the Lord.

When God tells us to bless others, maybe He means the literal act of blessing, long before the feelings align. (emphasis added)

Bless her, Lord. Bless her big time. Rain Your good things down on her. Give her more of You.

His blessing on her is not a loss of His blessing on me.

She is no threat to me when God is in charge.

And the more we take these hard feelings to God and pray blessings over her, the more God changes our hearts to truly feel this way.”

“He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” (John‬ ‭15:2‬ ‭NIV‬‬.)

*Follow paigepippin.com for more encouragement.

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