Posts in Your Calling
He Calls Me

Today I’ve got an exercise for you. Are you ready? See, one day soon God will be trying to remind you who you are TO Him. Who you are THROUGH Him. One day soon He will be trying to call you and for some reason, you won’t be able to hear Him. The words, the seeds you plant today will be there when you need them.

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This One

This week’s guest post comes to us from Diane Reeves, and it is a poem titled “This One.”

Each morning you open my eyes / You help me to see / A brand new start / You purify my heart

As we walk through the door of a brand new day / I am not sure what’s ahead / But I know I am being led

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Then, one evening just before her bedtime prayer, the youngest daughter again asked what it would take for them to finally get a puppy. The Father gave a full list of details, a list so impossible he knew it would never happen. Plus, he was confident he would not have a change of heart.

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The Deposit

You can be confident in your next step knowing God has got you! Don’t let fear or insecurity stop you from ALL that God has for you! Yes, when you walk in His destiny for your life it’s scary, and living your calling isn’t going to be easy, BUT if you place your confidence in God He will equip, cover and use those gifts inside of you for His glory!

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Who, Me, God? Are You Sure?

Guest post by Dezzie Neal

How many times have we asked ourselves this question?

Whether it’s a blessing that we didn’t expect, an opportunity that presents itself out of nowhere or an assignment from God, we all have contemplated our worthiness at times.

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Your CallingGuest Contributor
Jesus Java

Y’all, I’m just not a morning girl and, to hear my Mother tell it, I never was. I don’t know why some people wake up early in the morning fired up and ready to go. I’ve even tried coffee. So many people love it — why, I have a friend whose husband built her a coffee bar in her home with all the high end equipment you’d see at your favorite coffee bistro! So I thought surely she and all the other coffee lovers out there must know something I don’t. But not even coffee gets me up and motivated in the morning.

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