The Deposit

Step Out in Faith

Today I encourage you to take three minutes and watch this! These three minutes could change the direction of your life if you give your heart to Jesus and step out on faith! I know that’s a bold statement but it’s true (just read His word- check out the scriptures at the bottom of this post).

God Walks With You

You can be confident in your next step knowing God has got you! Don’t let fear or insecurity stop you from ALL that God has for you! Yes, when you walk in His destiny for your life it’s scary, and living your calling isn’t going to be easy, BUT if you place your confidence in God He will equip, cover and use those gifts inside of you for His glory!

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

The moment you step out in faith those whispers of the enemy will become louder, and the closer you are to your destiny the louder the words of discouragement and discontent will become. The “you can’t, you’re not enough, you will fail” may become almost deafening. So what do you do, how do you silence the enemy? You listen for God’s voice in His word, in a sermon, look for it in a devotional, in a worship song. Seek HIM and He will make His presence known to you! If you open your heart just a crack I promise He will make a deposit in your soul that no enemy can shake! Your check is already in the safe! It was written in the blood of Jesus on Calvary before you were even placed in your Mother’s womb! The price was already paid and your debt is clear!

He Has Made the Deposit in Your Name

God is waiting for you to step out in faith with confidence knowing He has already called you to it, He has already laid the path, He has already set a place for you next to Him! So today I encourage you to rededicate your life to the Lord! Open your heart to Him again! Ask Him to help you to dream again! Ask Him to stir up those dry bones. Ask God to help you take this next step with the confidence that He loves you. He wants to actively live within you guiding each step. Step out with confidence in who HE is and confidence in the promises He has for your life, knowing that God has already made a deposit in your name!

Recommended Scriptures

  • Isaiah 49:31

  • Joshua 1:9

  • Isaiah 41:10

  • Philippians 1:6

  • Philippians 4:13

  • I Corinthians 2:3-5

  • 2 Corinthians 12:9

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