This One

This week’s guest post comes to us from

Diane Reeves

Each morning you open my eyes

You help me to see

A brand new start

You purify my heart

As we walk through the door of a brand new day

I am not sure what’s ahead

But I know I am being led

As we walk along YOU show me 

This one needs to know they belong

This one needs a helping hand

This one needs to know someone understands 

This one needs a hug

This one needs a listening ear 

This one is living in fear

This one suddenly had the rug pulled from under their feet

This one is walking in defeat

This one needs you to allow them to give 

This one needs to know I forgive

This one needs to know not everyone is mean

This one needs to come clean

This one needs correction so they walk in the right direction

This one needs a word of hope

This one’s needs may be small but what you give will raise them tall 

This one needs a second chance 

This one needs a glance to know they are seen 

This one needs a letter to know days ahead will get better

As we conclude our walk

And finish our talk for the day 

You say can you not see,

What is needed the most is a relationship with ME?

I have chosen you to show my love 

But you must always point others to the Father above.

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