Progress Report

This week’s guest post comes to us from

Diane Reeves

James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

We often evaluate our maturity in Christ based upon how we handled or are handling our current trials. It almost seems as though it has been ingrained in us to give ourselves a pass or fail grade. Perhaps our trials should be viewed as a “progress report” rather than the final grade.

Maturity is not about getting it right 100 % of the time, but rather “am I looking more like Jesus today?” “Am I responding more like Jesus during this trial than the last?” Maturity is linear: we are moving away from our own fleshly image and moving toward becoming more like Jesus.

Trials help to evaluate where we are at spiritually. For example: recently I had an eye exam in which the results frightened me. I had not been to the eye doctor for about 4 years. I was aware I needed new glasses, however, when the doctor said I needed to come back for glaucoma testing, that alarmed me. I went back a couple of weeks later. After testing me again, my eye pressure was high and the doctor said I needed surgery. I went to the front desk and they wanted to schedule laser surgery the following week. I was shocked as I didn’t have time to process the information. I scheduled it for one month ahead instead, as one week was too soon for me. Well, of course my mind went in all the wrong places (Am going to go blind? What am I going to do?) Honestly, I spent more time worrying and researching on Google than I did praying.

In all this I am thankful that the Lord gave me discernment and courage to get a second opinion. At present my eye pressure is just fine and the new doctor sees no need for surgery or drops.

By my own standards I did not “pass” that test because I panicked, but I did grow a little in the process. I am more aware of my need to just simply “stop, drop, and listen” to the Word of Truth (Jesus) who brings life, hope, and peace.

Yes, we are making progress. By the grace of God we are moving forward and the image of Christ is being developed daily within each of us. To God be the glory!

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