Come Out of Your Shell

This week’s guest post comes to us from

Diane Reeves

Come Out of Your Shell Social.png

I am becoming increasingly aware that we are not meant to walk this life alone. That no man, as the say, is an island. However, I realize sometimes I have made myself an island, meaning that I very rarely let others discover the real me. When I meet others, I generally am one of those people that will listen and allow others to share their life story (which I actually enjoy doing). I could walk away from a conversation learning a great deal about others, but find that many people do not truly know me.  

Interestingly, I am finding that it is also a weakness, as like a turtle at times I find myself wanting to hide in my shell — perhaps to protect myself from others seeing that I, too, am oftentimes insecure, moody, and frail in faith. However, I am not always as serious and introverted as others have speculated. 

To remain hidden in our shells for fear of our weaknesses being exposed is a strategy from the enemy that isolates and imprisons. 

I perceive that choosing to remain in the shell may be, in fact, quite a selfish and unwise choice. It isolates us, which in turn leaves us more vulnerable to attack.  It also imprisons, whereby the gifts the Lord has given us are not able to be shared effectively with our Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

I believe in my own life and possibly in yours, too, that it is time to come out of our shells. It is also imperative that we do not remain in a shell that someone else has painted for us. Yes, choosing to be vulnerable is risky but can also be very rewarding. Perhaps the rewards far outweigh the risks. Let us pray for courage to allow ourselves to be vulnerable so that we can all walk in freedom and victory.  

We truly do need one another. 

1 Corinthians 12:12-27

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