Chosen | Fearless | Enough

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Dear Haters

You know in a perfect world we would all be cheering for each other especially, your Sisters. See, your Sisters should understand what it takes to get up each day and begin again, what it takes some days to be able to stand right where you are. Unfortunately that’s not always the case.

There are some folks that just aren’t gonna cheer for you. When I was about 8 I came home upset because there were two girls who, no matter what I did, they just didn’t like me. I’d tried everything I knew to do but the harder I tried actually seemed to make things worse. I remember one day rushing home, anxious to talk to my Mom about it. I had expected her to be sympathetic and give me some good advice on how to handle it, but that wasn’t the case.

Instead I remember my Mom telling me matter-of-factly, “Not everyone is supposed to like you and you’ve got to be okay with that.”

She went on to explain that often times, because of people’s own stuff, they are not capable or willing to wish well for others. You have to be okay with the fact that you’re not everyone’s favorite flavor of ice cream and just keep going. Now at 8 I really didn’t get it and, truth be told, at 55 years young I still don’t get it. Okay, perhaps when we are young we aren’t capable of seeing beyond ourselves, but certainly at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 we’ve matured, we’ve grown and we can now celebrate our Sisters, right?? Well, if you’re still reading today’s blog I’m guessing that’s because you already know that just isn’t true. I’m guessing you have had or currently have some women in your life who don’t seem to be cheering for you. So, what to do?

Well, first of all, we need to stop trying to seek the approval and acceptance of everyone. We were never created to be all things to all people, that’s who God is! We cannot build our worth on the backs of others or allow their words (or in some cases their lack of acknowledgement) to define who we are.

Second, we must remember it’s not all about us. Honestly, more times than not, it’s not even a little bit about us. It’s about who they are. Where they are in this life or even what they may be struggling with in their spirit. There may be a challenge they are facing. There could be so many reasons, but don’t spend your time trying to figure it out. Our bible tells us to pray for them, so we should start there. It’s also important that we don’t harbor resentment because they didn’t react the way we wanted them to. Forgive them, pray for them, wish them well, and keep it moving.

Next we need to learn to celebrate. We are very quick to have a pity party all by ourselves but we rarely have a victory party! See, only you and God know what it took for you to be where you are right now. You can’t expect others to recognize everything it took for you to be standing in this place at this moment! So thank God for His undeserved mercies and favor because it was only through Him! Then turn up the music and celebrate you!

Fourth, keep encouraging and lifting up others! Don’t ever stop cheering for others! There’s something so amazing about the feeling we get when we cheer for our Sisters! That kind word you share today may be just what she needs! So lift one another up in small ways and big!

Fifth, remember who your tribe really is! Look, your mission in life isn’t to make everyone your friend. Often times we are so busy seeking the approval of others we neglect and forget all about “our” people. When I say “our” people, I mean your real tribe, your inner circle. The people God has blessed you with! People who are there for the good and the bad. Those Sisters who cheer the loudest when you win and help you up when you fall. Remember your tribe, because these Sisters are your gifts from the Father.

Don’t take them for granted chasing people who don’t celebrate and value you.

Then finally, if you still feel led to address the ones who just can’t seem to cheer for you, then why not create a letter to your haters. No, no, no — please don’t write an actual letter to send to these Ladies! This letter is for YOU and it can go a little something like this:

Dear Haters

You don’t have to acknowledge me, you don’t have to applaud me, you don’t have to. But what you aren’t going to do is keep His daughter down, you’re not going to keep me from my destiny, you aren’t gonna silence God’s call on my life, you aren’t gonna dim my light, you aren’t gonna stop this daughter from walking in ALL the glory God has for me. You’re not gonna block the blessings or keep me from celebrating all God has for me! You’re not gonna keep me from cheering for others. I will be praying for them and you, that you walk in your promise and all the victories God has for You. So today with each stride I celebrate who I am IN Christ. I will give God all the glory each and every step of the way. I will celebrate all He has done, is doing, and is going to do in my life! I will stand tall, I will shine, I will keep moving, and yes, I will cheer for you because I know Who my Father calls me to be! 

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