
Today I looked over at my son and, all of sudden, it hit me — he’s an adult. My baby is a man and, truth be told, he’s been one for a while. I still remember the day I was sitting in the fourth row of the theater, watching the dress rehearsal for School House Rock. At age 8, Brandon has already been acting for 3 years. That day, I sat in the audience watching the final dress rehearsal with about 30 other Moms and Dads.

All of a sudden I heard it...Mommy! Over the loudness of the orchestra, all the talking around me and even the singing of the kids on stage, I heard his voice. I jumped to my feet and ran. Not even sure how I got to him, but I found him on the floor backstage, stage left. He’d taken a spill and fallen over one of the props. My heart was beating fast as I picked him up from the floor and held him tight. No words had to be spoken as my presence quickly calmed him. He’d only hurt his knee, nothing broken, no broken skin. He was good. As he smiled and looked up at me I knew in that moment he understood that I would always be just a call away, no matter where he was, no matter what he faced or no matter how old he was. 

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That’s exactly how your Father is.

He hears your cry through your tears, your anxiousness, your worries. God hears your call when you feel alone or just don’t know what to do next. Your Daddy hears you through all the noise of your mind and the restlessness of your soul. During the storm He hears you over the thunder and pounding of the rain. In a world of 7.8 billon He knows your voice from every other.

No matter where you are, how far you may have wandered, or how long it’s been since you’ve talked with Him, He knows your voice.

Whether it’s a whisper for help or a song of praise, He hears you.

What’s even more amazing is your Father hears every beat of your heart and listens for every breath you take. Without words even spoken He hears you. 

God is leaning in, searching and waiting to hear your voice. Waiting for your call so that He can reveal himself to you. Today I want to remind you that God not only hears you and knows your voice, He’s right here with you. He’s here with you right now as you read this post. He’s never left you and He never will.  

Then, as if all that wasn’t enough, did you know He’s answered before you even called? Before your lips formed the words, God not only heard you, He answered! Let’s look to Psalm 139:1-4 

To the choirmaster: A Psalm of David. O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether. 

So today I just wanted to remind you that you are heard!

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