Chosen | Fearless | Enough

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Weary for Words

Sometimes the words just don’t seem to come during my prayer time. The storm can be so loud sometimes that it overpowers my thoughts, and my sincerest intent to dedicate that time to my Father seems impossible. Today when I arose, still exhausted, all I had the energy to do was listen. So I randomly allowed YouTube to select a sermon for me to watch. How many of you know God will use whatever He needs to to speak to us when we need to hear from Him the most? The word I heard was for no one, and I mean no one, except me! Don’t you LOVE when God does that?!

From Passive to Praise

My silence then turned to a determination to praise my way through this storm! A morning that began with me feeling empty soon began to be filled with an overwhelming sense of His love for me! Word after word, and a playlist not from Spotify but selected just for me from my Father! My morning devotion ran for hours as I loaded up on His word followed by a house filled with His music!

So today I am thanking Him for the release of tears, emptying of my mind, opening of my heart, and a renewed sense of expectancy for the breakthrough only He can provide. Lord I give myself away! I know You, Lord, will lay waste to the storm that roars around me because today I am releasing it ALL to You and opening my heart for You, Lord to do what only You can do — which is to simply whisper to my storms and calm these seas!

Have Faith

Sisters, I’m sharing this because I want to let you know He hears you whisper under your breath, He sees those tears you hide from the world, and He knows when simply breathing seems like more than you can handle! You are NOT ALONE! He has not left you or forsaken you! He will not allow the storm to defeat you! He WILL rescue you!

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