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To Tweet or Not to Tweet

Being Mindful of Our Motives

To tweet or not to tweet, that is the question. In this world of sharing every little thing we see, every little thing we do, every little thing we feel — we need to be mindful of our motives. Take it easy, I’m not talking about those pics of your dinner at that new restaurant, the pic of your new hairstyle or even your new puppy. We all enjoy sharing those things and seeing those things.

I am specifically talking about those times when God asks you to do something and you make the decision to be obedient. In those times it is extremely important that you make sure your heart remains pure in the process. Many struggle with the way the modern church (which is a conversation for another day) shares everything. Many feel it’s become brand over God. In doing this, are they promoting themselves or are they spreading the Gospel? Just as we need to check our hearts and motives, the church must do the same. The same God that has an assignment for each of us has called His church for specific works.

God Doesn’t Need a Brand

Yes, it’s extremely important that people have the ability to see God’s love in action through the works of His church, but it’s equally important that the works of His church be for His glory. If you look through a church feed and you see more about the church name and Pastor than you do about God, well, that will likely cause a check in your spirit. God does not need to be branded. He’s not asking us to be in charge of His marketing campaign and He hasn’t posted a job for a social media guru to help with His personal brand. You should see God all over a church’s works, its posts and its feeds. If what we do is actually for God’s glory, then it doesn’t need to be recorded or shared all over social media. Are we doing it for the world’s approval or for God’s?

When God has stirred you to action, pause before you post or tweet and check your motive. Does God want you to be His light in this world? Yes, but only so that the world can see Him through you. Let God be that gate and your guide. And make sure that when you are about your Father’s work, you are doing it for His glory, not your own. 

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