We Pray With Her

"We Pray with Her" written by younger clergy woman, Rev. Kerry Greenhill, who wrote a lovely Prayer of Blessing to Be Who You Are.

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May you know you are worthy.

May you unlearn all the silence and shame you were taught through hints and insinuations.

May you stand tall and walk proudly, delighting in the shape and movement of your body as you travel through the world, spirit-in-flesh, breath-and-dust, beloved child and Imago Dei.

May the truth woven into your being find its way out in words and music, in dance and poetry, in loving and marching, in creating and tearing down.

May you know your own power to speak and to listen, to make room for others and to claim what is yours.

May you be heard.
May you be seen.
May you take up space in the world.
May you know you are whole and holy, blessed and beautiful, bold and brave.
Be who you are: it is enough.


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