Midweek Praise Party #WorshipWednesday

Midweek Praise Party

You know what time it is! It’s time for our Wednesday Praise Party! Enjoy!

Each day when I rise I’m determined to begin my day with God. I’d I’m honest there are days I am successful and days when I fall short. Then there are those days when I reach for my Bible or devo but, hard as I try my, mind wanders and goes into a million other places. It goes to the problems I’m facing, what I need to do that day, w

hat I need to get done for my family, even simple thoughts like what time is it will disrupt my time with God because my mind has wandered. Sometimes it’s because I have taken my eyes off him and sometimes it’s because my eye wasn’t on him in the first place.

So what I’ve learned to do is to turn on my worship music first. I created my own playlist that helps me to breathe, settle my mind, silence my anxiousness, and open my heart. These songs help me to welcome Him in and shut the world out. I encourage you, if you don’t have your own playlist, to begin to create your own! One that speaks to your heart right now. In the meantime, enjoy this one and feel free to check out my playlist. 

*This song is from Sheila’s Pressing In Playlist on Spotify. Make sure you check out all of Sheila’s playlists

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