The Gift of Peace

This week’s guest post comes to us from

Diane Reeves

What nags you? Nagging cough, pain, kids, illness, job, family members,  slow drivers in the left lane, waiting in line at the deli section?

Peace in the midst of what nags you only comes from the presence of the Lord and is a true gift. I thought of this last night as I laid in my bed and was tossing and turning as a result of an annoying cricket. Though the cricket is small, it surely got the best of me and disrupted my whole night’s sleep. What can we do to help overcome what is nagging us? Well, we have tune our ears to the voice of God by drawing closer to Him so that the voice of truth becomes more pronounced than what is nagging us. 

Sometimes the enemy of our souls nags us by saying,

“You have been praying so long and haven’t seen any answers yet, so why don’t you just give up? God doesn’t hear you, that situation is hopeless, that person will never change.”

We are not only bombarded by the enemy’s lies but he often pokes us in the same tender place over and over again to cause pain, frustration, hopelessness, and to get us to react in an ungodly way.   

One song that comes to mind that helps increase and restore peace and hope is a song by Danny Gokey called “You Just Haven’t Seen it Yet.

Just because we have not seen God answer yet does not mean He isn’t going to! May God renew your peace, strength, and faith as you wait upon Him.

Let us stand upon God’s Word. God is good and we can trust Him. In His timing and in His way, He will perform all He has promised. 
Keep holding on, do not lose hope! 

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