Lunch Table

Is That Seat Taken?

When you were younger, during your middle school years, did you ever have to deal with lunch table drama? You know, standing there with your tray of tater tots and chocolate milk staring across the cafeteria, longing to be invited to sit at that table with the so-called popular kids. It may not have even been about the kids themselves, just a desire to be accepted, liked, to be part of a group.

Or were you the one who had the courage to go over and ask if you could sit there, only to be met with rejection? Then, just when you thought you had laid those feelings to rest — after all, you’re an adult now — you are once again reminded of just about every tween movie nowadays.

The Sting of Exclusion

“Okay Sheila, I thought this blog was all about our walk with God and being encouraging, not reminding us of lunch table drama,” but I wonder: is it still happening to you? Well, if I’m honest, many days I find my emotions right back there in that middle school cafeteria, courtesy of social media. Am I the only one whose tummy twinges every time I see that pic, post or tweet by folks I thought were my friends, who are out having a blast at dinner with a group I thought I was part of? Or do you see pics of friends celebrating someone’s birthday, only to realize you never received the text inviting you?

It stings and often times downright hurts. What’s interesting is that we can give our kids the best advice about how to deal with these types of situations, but when it happens to us…ouch. To be overlooked and left out hurts at any age. But here’s what I know: I am absolutely not forgotten by my Father! His unconditional love for me doesn’t require me to be young, popular or perfect. His unconditional love for me isn’t based on anything I can do for Him. His unconditional love for me is the only one that will provide me with the all-satisfying love and acceptance I am seeking at that other lunch table.

With God I never sit alone.

Not Forgotten (You Have Your People)

 As I’ve grown older I’ve come to realize that not only does God fulfill that desire, He has already provided me with everything I need, including people. See, He never created us to do this thing all alone, so He has already established our people, our tribe. Some people in our tribe will be life-long friends, others will be there for a season, but one thing you know for sure is that these are your people. Often times we are so busy longing to be part of another group that we forget the people God has placed in our circle already. You know, the ones who have been there for you through it all. The ones who encourage and cheer you on. The ones that don’t require you to be anything but who you are. The ones who remind you of who God is and who you are in Him! These are the people who God has destined to be part of your journey. Each one is a blessing and each one is an important part of the mosaic of your life. See, it was never about where you sit but who you with; who’s going to remind you that you’re always sitting with Him.

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Your TruthSheila Harris-Adams