Chosen | Fearless | Enough

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“Breathe” is one word I find myself saying to others often, but recently God revealed that it’s a word I need to begin to say over myself! When counseling a Sister earlier this week, she asked me why I kept telling her to breathe. Her question tumbled around my mind like a load of wet laundry in the dryer as I began to search my thoughts for an answer — but before I could even form a word, I heard myself saying “because we all need to be reminded that the very breath of God dwells within us.”

After our call I repeated that phrase to myself several times and tears began to flow. See, it was something God needed to remind me of that very day. I’d been finding it difficult lately to keep it all together during the challenging season we’ve been in due to my husbands health. It’s been a year and half now as I watch the man I love struggle daily. At the time of this post, the illness that has been ravaging his body remains undiagnosed. The episodes brought on by this illness lead to pain and an inability for him to be able to breathe normally. On a daily basis I watch him trying to work through it and focus on breathing. Many times I massage his shoulders and remind him to breathe as I pray over him during these episodes.

It’s interesting, as he’s shared how He struggles to breathe physically, he was having no problem breathing spiritually. While I, who take breathing in and out physically for granted more often than not, was struggling to breathe spiritually. What do I mean? Well, Bryan, through it all, is still sharing scripture with his circle, sending our daily devotions, counseling Brothers via text, seeking and spending time with God more and more every day. Even when the illness fights him, he finds way to sing God’s praises. His faith has grown. His confidence in who God is and his faith that his healing is coming has remained resolute!

As for me, yes, I’ve been seeking God through it all, have definitely drawn closer to Him through this and am absolutely believing God for full healing of my husband, but I do think I’ve forgotten to breathe. This week I needed to be reminded that the very breath of God dwells within me. That God has designed me in such a way that if I allow myself, I can breathe freely because God’s breath is within me. That means if I allow myself, through exhaling, I can release all my fears, my anxieties, and my worries to Him. I can exhale the insecurities, the past failures, the heartache. By exhaling I can lay all my burdens at His feet and leave them there.

See, sometimes the idea of holding it all together is difficult because it requires us to hold things in, to hold our breath hoping everything will be okay. Or even holding our breath as we struggle to “appear” to be okay, afraid of what others will think or simply afraid that, if we release, we will just lose it. But what God has revealed to me is that there is no need to pretend with him. That I can release it all to Him. The burdens of this world are not mine to carry on my shoulders. God dwells within us and is waiting for us to allow Him to not only bear the burdens, but to trust Him enough to fix them.

So, today I encourage you to join me. Close your eyes and ask God to help you release those things you were never meant to carry alone. Exhale. Release and give it all over to God.

Take another breath and, when you exhale, allow your mind to search for those things holding you captive and release them to God.

Take another breath and, when you exhale, release your brokenness — knowing only God can fill your heart.

Take another breath and exhale your fears, worries and stress.

See, even in science we learn that exhaling is a release of the things your body no longer needs — but it’s also an important requirement needed to exercise your heart and keep your blood flowing, keep you alive! That’s how it is when we exhale spiritually, giving ourselves over to God. It’s an exercise of our faith, releasing our burdens and trusting God that He will be true to His word. A release of control and giving it all over to God. Exhaling spiritually is releasing it and believing only He can see us through the storm.

So, now that we understand exhaling, what are we inhaling? See, God doesn’t just ask us to lay it down — His word reminds us of what we need to pick up. Now it’s time to think about breathing in.

Close your eyes again and take several nice, long breaths. This time think about inhaling.

When you inhale, breathe in God’s immense love for you! Breathe in His strength and power!

Take another breath and, when you inhale, allow God to make old things new in you.

Allow God to make you whole again. Breathe in His mercies and forgiveness. Inhale, knowing that God has got you, it’s absolutely going to be alright, and ALL His promises for your life (and those you love) WILL come to pass. Inhale knowing that, yes, healing is coming, restoration is coming, wholeness is coming, blessings ARE coming!

Today I just want to take a few minutes and remind you to breathe, knowing the very breath of God dwells within you!

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