Chosen | Fearless | Enough

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He Calls Me

Today I’ve got an exercise for you. Are you ready?

Okay, first, grab a pen and a pack of post-its, or just some scraps of paper, a pen and scotch tape.

Second, take a few minutes and read ‘He Calls Me’ aloud once all the way through.

Now, third — it’s time for you to get your pen/paper and read it aloud again a second time.

This time write down one word on each piece of paper. Whichever words stir something deep in your spirit, those words that trigger a twinge in your belly, the words that cause you to catch your breath or the ones that make your heart skip.

Then, finally, place one or two of those words on your bathroom mirror, put a few in your car, one in your wallet, a couple on your dresser or closet, and perhaps even one inside a kitchen cabinet. Don’t give too much thought to where you put them, just find a few places to put these words where you will see them.

See, one day soon God will be trying to remind you who you are TO Him. Who you are THROUGH Him.

One day soon He will be trying to call you and for some reason, you won’t be able to hear Him. The words, the seeds you plant today will be there when you need them. It will serve as a reminder that your Daddy is calling you. A reminder that the Creator of heaven and earth is thinking of you at that very moment, that He is speaking over you. That your Father needs you to silence the enemy, silence your past, silence words spoken to you that are not from Him. These words will be a reminder that your Almighty Father is calling you, not just who you actually are, but in that moment, He is calling you all that you will be! 

He Calls Me

He calls me Wonderful, Masterpiece, Healed, Whole.
He calls me Loved!
He calls me Precious, Amazing, Anointed.
He calls me Chosen, Daughter, Conqueror.
He calls me His, A Gift, Beautiful.
He calls me Destined, Filled, Strong.
He calls me New, Known, Forgiven.
He calls me Warrior, Light Bringer, His.
He calls me Worshiper, Encourager, Appointed.
He calls me Queen, Friend, Worthy.
He calls me Beloved, Free, Redeemed.
He calls me Heir, Blessed, Saved. He calls me.
He calls me Witness, Disciple, Citizen of Heaven.
He calls me Born Again, Seen, Heard.
He calls me Chosen, Fearless and Enough! 

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