
Sometimes the words just don’t seem to come during my prayer time. The storm can be so loud sometimes that it overpowers my thoughts, and my sincerest intent to dedicate that time to my Father seems impossible. Today when I arose, still exhausted, all I had the energy to do was listen. So I randomly allowed YouTube to select a sermon for me to watch. How many of you know God will use whatever He needs to to speak to us when we need to hear from Him the most? The word I heard was for no one, and I mean no one, except me! Don’t you LOVE when God does that?!

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To Tweet or Not to Tweet

To tweet or not to tweet, that is the question. In this world of sharing every little thing we see, every little thing we do, every little thing we feel — we need to be mindful of our motives. I am specifically talking about those times when God asks you to do something and you make the decision to be obedient. In those times it is extremely important that you make sure your heart remains pure in the process.

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Your TruthSheila Harris-Adams
Mirror Mirror

You didn't become the person you see in the mirror today overnight. Your life journey has shaped the woman in that mirror. Every curve represents years filled with laughter and tears, victories and defeats, lessons learned and lessons taught. Whether you’ve been blessed with wrinkles full of wisdom or your cheeks still hold the blush of youth, your story has been written by the author who created the heavens and earth. You, Sister, are His masterpiece. The God that painted every sunset and every symphony of a waterfall created YOU. He sees the beauty of your heart and calls you His own. You, my Sister, are simply beautiful in your Father’s eyes.

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Who, Me, God? Are You Sure?

Guest post by Dezzie Neal

How many times have we asked ourselves this question?

Whether it’s a blessing that we didn’t expect, an opportunity that presents itself out of nowhere or an assignment from God, we all have contemplated our worthiness at times.

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Your CallingGuest Contributor
But God

“But God!” I used to always hear this in church growing up. It was something many would say, like, “God is good all the time and all the time…” — you know the rest of that one! But I when I was young, I’d hear Pastors and Saints alike say, “But God,” and I’d think, “But God,” what??? Just two words?!

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We Pray With Her

May you know you are worthy. May you unlearn all the silence and shame you were taught through hints and insinuations. May you stand tall and walk proudly, delighting in the shape and movement of your body as you travel through the world, spirit-in-flesh, breath-and-dust, beloved child and Imago Dei.

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Jesus Java

Y’all, I’m just not a morning girl and, to hear my Mother tell it, I never was. I don’t know why some people wake up early in the morning fired up and ready to go. I’ve even tried coffee. So many people love it — why, I have a friend whose husband built her a coffee bar in her home with all the high end equipment you’d see at your favorite coffee bistro! So I thought surely she and all the other coffee lovers out there must know something I don’t. But not even coffee gets me up and motivated in the morning.

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The Problem with Elbow Grease

Guest post by Jessica Champion

Have you ever tried to clean something but only ended up making it worse? Try and try as you might, it just won’t come clean. This was me a couple of weeks ago, trying to clean my husband’s grill. Trying to be a “good wife.” The problem with peripheral sin is that it’s sneaky. If left unchecked it can bleed into other areas of your life. I had to come clean to God about my motives.

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