Posts in Your Truth
Progress Report

James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

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Your TruthGuest Contributor
Dear Haters

You know in a perfect world we would all be cheering for each other especially, your Sisters…Instead I remember my Mom telling me matter-of-factly, “Not everyone is supposed to like you and you’ve got to be okay with that.”

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God hears your call when you feel alone or just don’t know what to do next. Whether it’s a whisper for help or a song of praise, He hears you. What’s even more amazing is your Father hears every beat of your heart and listens for every breath you take. Without words even spoken He hears you.

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Running on Fumes

We were simply not created to give 300% so why do we keep striving to achieve an unrealistic definition of perfection?

We allow the world to define who we should be as women, mothers, wives, daughters, and even Christians. Beyond that we forget the importance of spending time with God and making time for ourselves. So what can we do to make sure we are not running on fumes?

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Your TruthSheila Harris-Adams
Lunch Table

To be overlooked and left out hurts at any age. But here’s what I know: I am absolutely not forgotten by my Father! His unconditional love for me doesn’t require me to be young, popular or perfect. With God I never sit alone.

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Your TruthSheila Harris-Adams
The Gift of Peace

Guest post by Diane Reeves

Peace in the midst of what nags you only comes from the presence of the Lord and is a true gift. Sometimes the enemy of our souls nags us and tells us to give up, but just because we have not seen God answer yet does not mean He isn’t going to!

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Your TruthGuest Contributor
What’s in a Word?

Absolutely everything is in His word!

So if your morning doesn’t begin with spending some time in His word I implore you to begin something new today! Imagine driving in a storm without your wipers on! Ask yourself why you use them? So that you can see what is ahead of you clearly, because it keeps you safe, it helps you navigate through the storm.

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Your TruthSheila Harris-Adams
God of the Gap

He is not only Alpha and Omega, He is the God of ‘soon,’ the God of ‘you’re close,’ the God of ‘hold on, don’t grow weary.’ He is the God of ‘don’t look at the wind, waves or the sea that may be raging around you, just keep your eyes on Me - I won’t let you go under!’

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Your TruthSheila Harris-Adams
To Tweet or Not to Tweet

To tweet or not to tweet, that is the question. In this world of sharing every little thing we see, every little thing we do, every little thing we feel — we need to be mindful of our motives. I am specifically talking about those times when God asks you to do something and you make the decision to be obedient. In those times it is extremely important that you make sure your heart remains pure in the process.

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Your TruthSheila Harris-Adams
But God

“But God!” I used to always hear this in church growing up. It was something many would say, like, “God is good all the time and all the time…” — you know the rest of that one! But I when I was young, I’d hear Pastors and Saints alike say, “But God,” and I’d think, “But God,” what??? Just two words?!

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The Problem with Elbow Grease

Guest post by Jessica Champion

Have you ever tried to clean something but only ended up making it worse? Try and try as you might, it just won’t come clean. This was me a couple of weeks ago, trying to clean my husband’s grill. Trying to be a “good wife.” The problem with peripheral sin is that it’s sneaky. If left unchecked it can bleed into other areas of your life. I had to come clean to God about my motives.

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